Many people have experienced under-eye puffiness at one time or another. This condition may be more common with age, when the tissues in this area of the face begin to weaken and droop. Puffiness, combined with wrinkles, can make people look much older than they actually are.
Although makeup can help to a certain extent, some individuals have turned to facial fillers such as Restylane or Juvederm to brighten up their faces, American Health and Beauty reports.
These treatments contain a revitalizing chemical known as hyaluronic acid, which plumps and smooths the under-eye area. Filling in wrinkles and creases around the eyes can help the face appear fresher and younger, while reducing the appearance of puffiness.
A recent study conducted by makeup giant Clinique found that 53 percent of women cited puffiness as their number one beauty concern.
“We were really shocked,” said Tom Mammone, Clinique’s executive director of research and development, quoted by the news source. “We knew that many of our people [had] suggested that it was a concern, but we didn’t really know until the survey that it is a major issue.”
In addition to facial fillers and makeup, experts say that using a product with alphahydroxy acids or vitamins C and K can smooth and add volume to skin.