Age: 41-50
Gender: Female
It may sound counterintuitive, but replacing the volume lost in 1 part of your face may actually improve your concerns in another!
This patient is a perfect example.
She came in complaining about smile lines (nasolabial folds), but the real issue was that pursing her lips had made some dimples and deficits in her chin, where she was already volume-deficient.
We added a combination of various types of dermal fillers, including Radiesse, Juvederm, and Refyne to the areas in and around her chin (as well as some Kysse filler to her lips) to dramatically re-contour her lower face. As a result, her jowls and jawline sag have disappeared!
To schedule a free consultation with our doctors to discuss Dermal Fillers, please call us at 732-356-1666 to request an appointment.