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Herniated Fat Pads and How to Treat Them

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We’ve all heard of undereye fillers, but it might surprise you to learn there is more than one type of undereye filler treatment. Finding an experienced cosmetic physician who understands undereye fillers and the various approaches is key to getting the results you want. At Reflections Center, our award-winning team of cosmetic physicians can help you explore the best possible injectable options at our Livingston and Bridgewater offices. Here’s what to know about herniated fat pads and how to treat them.

What are Herniated Fat Pads?

Fat pad herniation is where the fat pads underneath the eyes begin to herniate, or bulge. There are three fat pads underneath the eyes, called the lateral, medial, and central fat pads. Over time, they can lose their youthful position that keeps them looking smooth and bright and providing youthful volume. As they shift, they can begin to relax and protrude. The result is what we typically call undereye bags.

What Causes Herniated Fat Pads?

Herniated fat pads are most often caused by genetics rather than factors like sun exposure, environment, skincare, and more. At its core, herniated fat pads happen when the ligaments, tendons, and skin around the fat pads begin to relax over time. This allows the pads to bulge and stick out. The result is a noticeable bag underneath the eyes, and some people are simply more predisposed to this concern.

How to Tell If It’s Herniated Fat Pads

The best way to tell if you have herniated fat pads is to close your eye and gently press on it. By doing this, you should be able to see the fad pad bulge a little bit. You can also look all the way upward and note whether the bulges disappear. Watch this video with Dr. Chasin to learn more:

How to Treat Herniated Fat Pads

Fillers remain one of the best ways to treat herniated fat pads. One of the best ways to get good results with fillers in this area is by injecting at the top of the cheek to provide better support for the tissues above it. This can help camouflage the bulging fat pad within the undereye area. Although fillers can be a great non-surgical way to treat this concern, surgery is often one of the most complete solutions. It might include a combination of fat transfer and lower eyelid surgery to smooth and lift the area.

Am I a Candidate for Undereye Fillers?

When it comes to herniated fat pads specifically, candidacy is key. In many cases, fillers can only conceal the look of herniated fat pads (which may be an ideal solution for younger patients who aren’t ready for surgery). But, not all people are good candidates for filler treatment for this particular concern. If the bulging area of fat protrudes beyond the rest of the surrounding tissue, for example, you may not be a good candidate. The best way to determine how to treat herniated fat pads is by consulting a cosmetic physician who can help you explore the best possible option, whether fillers or otherwise.

Undereye Fillers at Reflections Center for Cosmetic Medicine

If you’re interested in learning more about whether fillers can achieve smoother, brighter undereyes, contact our offices for a complimentary consultation by calling or filling out our online form.