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Chest & Décolletage Rejuvenation

When you begin to notice wrinkles on your chest or décolletage (the area around your chest and collarbones), there are a variety of treatments you can receive to restore smooth, glowing skin.

Dr. Chasin Explains the Best Chest & Décolletage Rejuvenation Treatments

Dr. Chasin is our founder and medical director, but every doctor on our team provides chest and décolletage treatments for both men and women in New Jersey. This video was made in 2020 and since then, we’ve seen even more advancements in regenerative cosmetic treatments – those that seek to spur your body to heal and regenerate itself.

Why does our chest skin look so bad? Throughout history, we’ve never shown as much cleavage as we do today – even for men, who are shirtless at the beach or during the summer. This also means we’ve never had this much sun exposure in generations past, so our chests are experiencing much more sun damage than ever before. While we’ve become pretty good about sun protection for our faces, we often forget the rest of our body, and the delicate skin on our chest just doesn’t do well with sun damage. Then there’s the impact of side-sleeping, especially for women, which causes lines to form between the breasts.

Top Asked Questions on Chest & Décolletage

  • How can I rejuvenate my chest skin?
    Your best treatment options for rejuvenating your chest skin depends upon whether you're dealing with discoloration (brown, dark, or red spots), skin texture changes, wrinkles, stretch marks, and/or other concerns like acne, sagging breasts, etc. We have a variety of treatments for each of these concerns - and you'll see a section below that highlights our favorites for the chest (which is different than our favorites for the face or other body parts). However, you are an individual and your goals and body are unique - and that's why we cannot tell you the 1 best treatment for everyone's chest rejuvenation. It's also why we offer free consultations with our cosmetic physicians - so that you get that individualized recommendation, just for you!
  • Can you get rid of chest wrinkles?
    Yes, you absolutely can! We tend to favor fillers and lasers done in combination with regenerative stimulatory agents (things like biostimulatory fillers - Sculptra & Radiesse - or Cellular Messenger Directives (CMD) or Concentrated Platelet Injections) for chest wrinkles. You should also consider lifestyle changes to prevent these wrinkles from returning and that includes SPF and results-focused skincare, as well as potentially changing your sleep position. Sleeping on your back is especially important for women with creases between their breasts (though everyone will age more gracefully if they become a back sleeper).
  • How do you repair décolletage?
    It all depends upon what symptoms or damage you're experiencing but generally, the décolletage has some skin changes caused by sun damage and for that, we first want to remove the damaged skin cells with a laser and then encourage the skin to grow new collagen, typically with something like Sofwave or Ulthera. There are hundreds of collagen-stimulation treatments and we offer a wide variety so you can choose which one suits your preferences for downtime, cost, treatment schedule, etc.
  • Why is my chest so wrinkly?
    Wrinkles on the chest are generally caused by both sun exposure and free radical damage to the skin, and/or side sleeping (or push-up bras) that creates creases between the breasts.
  • Do chest pillows work?
    Chest pillows work to some extent but they won't rejuvenate a chest that already has wrinkles between the breasts or prevent all the causes of those wrinkles. Treatments that remove the existing damage and lifestyle changes that avoid future damage are the key to a youthful-looking chest. There are so many treatments that work, but our most popular for chest are Sofwave / Ultherapy, fillers, and lasers with biostimulatory fillers. The best lifestyle changes you can make are to start sleeping on your back, wearing sunscreen or SPF protective clothing every day, and using a skincare routine that includes retinol and/or chemical exfoliants (like glycolic, salicylic, etc.), antioxidants, and growth factors.
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How to Remove Sun Damage on the Chest & Décolletage

The best way to remove sun damage, both the brown discoloration and the rough, crepey skin texture it causes, is to use lasers to specifically target and remove the sun-damaged cells from your skin. When it comes to these lasers, your skin tone and genetic heritage do matter so it’s important to confirm your laser selection with a physician who will take a full medical history and perform a skin typing assessment using the Fitzpatrick Skin Typing Test (which is the standard test used to determine how your skin reacts to sunlight and is used for laser safety). It is essential that you seek care from an advanced laser practice that has a wide range of these lasers so you can be assured that the right device is being used for you. Improper laser settings are one of the most common reasons for complications such as burns.

For skin types 1-4, Fraxel Restore Dual is the laser of choice for sun damage removal of all kinds. It does an amazing job at quickly and safely reducing dark spots, fine lines, wrinkles, uneven texture, and more. Most patients will need 2-4 of these laser treatments for chest rejuvenation, depending on the amount of sun damage present. Biostimulatory fillers (or PRP) can be used at the same time as Fraxel Restore laser to boost the results (and speed healing time in the case of PRP). They can also potentially reduce the total number of treatments required.

For patients with darker skin (Type 4-6), either the Q-Switched Yag Laser or PiQo4 Laser can be used to safely and effectively improve both dark spots and sun damage that’s resulted in poor skin quality leading to fine lines, wrinkles, and rough texture. For redness, including both red spots and broken capillaries, the Vbeam laser works well for all skin types and can make incredible transformations in just a few treatments.

Getting Rid of Wrinkles on the Chest

When it comes to wrinkles and creases between the breasts, it’s important to realize how much of a harmful effect sleeping on your side has on these findings. If you simply cannot sleep on your back, consider a wrinkle-protection silicon patch. These are self-adhesive patches, often containing a hyaluronic acid serum or some moisturizer, that are smoothed across the skin to keep the area from wrinkling while you sleep. They do work when used consistently as maintenance after treatment is used to smooth out the wrinkles. Treatments for chest wrinkles are safe, effective, and long-lasting and give women the confidence to drop the neckline and feel good about themselves.

In terms of treatments for wrinkles between the breasts, we find these options consistently produce the best results:

Skin Care

Carefully chosen topical skincare products are recommended to be used daily to not only enhance but to also help maintain the results of lasers and biostimulatory agents. Skinmedica’s TNS Serum and Defanage’s 8-in-1 BioSerum are two of our favorite regimens. Daily sunblock should also be an important part of your skincare routine.

Lasers & Technologies

Energy-based devices such as Lasers (i.e. Fraxel), ultrasound devices (i.e. Sofwave, Ultherapy), and fractional radiofrequency devices (Endymed Intensif, Infini) stimulate new collagen and elastin, remove some of the damaged skin cells, firm, and tighten the skin in this area. After a Sofwave or Ultherapy treatment, there is no redness, swelling, or downtime, so these are a great choice if you don’t want anyone to know you’ve done anything. The other thing to know is that results appear very slowly over about 3-6 months.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers (Silk, Restylane, Volbella) injected directly into the individual deep chest wrinkles work well for deep wrinkles and offer the potential for immediate gratification.

Gynecomastia: Removing Excess Fat & Tightening Loose Skin for Male Chests

When gynecomastia is caused by excessive fat in the area, we can treat this condition with fat removal and skin tightening treatments. Smartlipo with its Triplex Skin Tightening is usually the treatment of choice. Other treatment options can cause further enlargement in the chest area of males and a thorough evaluation by your treating physician is suggested before looking for cosmetic therapies.

TrapTox – Relieve Shoulder Tension with Botox Injections in Shoulder

Some patients may find relief from pain and muscle tension with Botox injections directly applied to the trapezius muscles located in the shoulder. If deemed a qualified candidate during your complimentary consultation, our cosmetic physicians will identify the tension areas that need to be addressed and apply marker to best apply the injection to the treatment area.

Choosing the Best Chest Rejuvenation Treatment for You

Treatment Cost Invasiveness Downtime How It Works

Laser Sun Damage Removal

$300 – $1500+ per treatment Low to High-Intensity Lasers Most commonly 3-10 days, depending on laser Lasers target brown spots, hyper- pigmentation, wrinkles and sun damaged skin Stimulates Body to Build New Collagen & Firm Skin, Some can speed healing too

Biostimulatory Agents (Radiesse, Sculptra, PRF)

$850-1050 per vial Injections, or Applied Over Top of Freshly-Lasered or Microneedled Skin Potential bruising up to one week Hyaluronic Acid Filler Injected by Doctors underneath wrinkles to smooth them out

Chest Lines & Wrinkle Filler Smoothing

Typically $650 – $750 per syringe (1 syringe usually needed) Injections Potential bruising up to one week Hyaluronic Acid Filler Injected by Doctors underneath wrinkles to smooth them out

Laser Redness Removal

$300-450 per session, 1-3 sessions needed Medium-Intensity Laser Redness/swelling 3-4 days Lasers target red spots and red sun damage for removal

The Best Treatments for Chest and Décolletage

  • Chest Wrinkles & Creases Between The Breasts
  • When it comes to wrinkles and creases between the breasts, it’s important to realize how much of a harmful effect sleeping on your side has on these findings. If you simply cannot sleep on your back, consider a wrinkle-protection silicon patch. These are self-adhesive patches, often containing a hyaluronic acid serum or some moisturizer, that are smoothed across the skin to keep the area from wrinkling while you sleep. They do work when used consistently as maintenance after treatment is used to smooth out the wrinkles. We do have a blog that discusses how to make the change to sleeping on you back, as well as all of the beauty benefits.

    In terms of treatments for wrinkles between the breasts, we find these options consistently produce the best results:

    Energy Based Devices

    Energy-based devices such as Lasers (i.e. Fraxel, CO2 Lasers, Q-Switched Lasers), Ultrasound devices (i.e. Sofwave, Ultherapy), and RF Microneedling (Endymed Intensif, Infini) all create the same effect: stimulating new collagen and elastin growth, removing some of the damaged skin cells, and firming and tightening the skin in this area.

    After a Sofwave or Ultherapy treatment, there is no redness, swelling, or downtime, so these are a great choice if you don’t want anyone to know you’ve done anything. Results appear slowly of a course of 3-6 months.

    Dermal Fillers

    Dermal fillers with a thinner viscosity (Silk, Restylane, Volbella) injected directly into deep chest wrinkles work well for deep wrinkles and offer the potential for immediate gratification.

    Biostimulatory Fillers

    Biostimulatory fillers (Sculptra, Radiesse, Concentrated Platelet Therapy, or even Microfat Therapy), injected across a wide region of the chest using a fanning technique, stimulate the growth of new collagen, smooth, and firm the entire region.

    These agents can be used alone or in combination with lasers, ultrasound, or radiofrequency devices to further boost the results of wrinkle reduction. Improvement begins within a few weeks, steadily improves over a period of months, and results are long-lasting. Though the injection of Sculptra are the most effective ways to use these agents, they can also be used topically in combination with lasers and radiofrequency as they will penetrate the channels created by these agents for a short period of time after these therapies.

  • Gynecomastia
  • Gynecomastia, or excess male breast tissue, is more often caused by breast tissue rather than fat. Because of this, most men with this condition will need surgery to tone their chest and remove the breast tissue causing their large breasts.

    Smartlipo Laser Liposuction

    If you have only excess fat with moderate or mild skin looseness (mostly firm skin in this area, no sagging), Smartlipo may be an option for you. It is not recommended for people with significant amounts of fat or excess skin.

    Gynecomastia Surgery (Breast Reduction) with Our Plastic Surgeon

    Surgery is the only effective treatment for “true” gynecomastia, as opposed to just a buildup of fat. Male breast reduction will remove all or some of the glandular breast tissue, remove excess skin, and sculpt the chest for a more masculine appearance.

  • Removing Sun Damage (Brown Spots)
  • The best sun damage removal treatment is always going to be laser treatment since only lasers can selectively target specific colors in the skin. However, which laser is right for you depends very much upon several factors: your skin type (not quite the same as skin tone – learn about the Fitzpatrick Skin Types), the colors of discoloration you’re experiencing (red vs. brown vs. darkness), as well as your budget and lifestyle preferences (no downtime with more treatment sessions or a single treatment with real downtime, for example).

    Fraxel Re: Pair Dual Laser or Q-Switched Laser

    The Fraxel laser creates thousands of tiny channels in the skin to stimulate your body’s natural healing response and the development of new collagen. As new collagen “fills in” these microscopic grooves, you can expect firmer, smoother skin that covers up brown spots and skin blemishes. CO2 lasers work similarly and are a great choice for sensitive skin and darker skin complexions.

    CO2 Lasers

    Q-switched lasers deliver short pulses of intense light energy that are absorbed into pigmented areas of the skin to eliminate the appearance of sunspots, age spots, and other brown or red skin blemishes.

    IPL: Intense Pulsed Light Therapy

    IPL, also called the Photofacial, is a great treatment to improve skin texture and tone. In addition to treating sun-damaged skin, IPL therapy also treats broken capillaries that take on the appearance of red, prominent veins called spider veins.

    Treatments We Don’t Recommend for Chest Rejuvenation – And Why

  • Chemical Peels
  • The skin on your chest is very sensitive and most at-home peels are formulated for your face, making them far too aggressive for you chest. Even if you were to have a chemical peel done correctly by a professional, it truly isn’t going to reach deep enough into the skin to actually affect the dermis, which is the deepest layer of the skin – and without reaching this layer with lasers or ultrasound, or injecting some supportive material (like a hyaluronic acid dermal filler), you’ll never be able to impact lines or wrinkles.

  • Shiatsu | Massage Techniques
  • Massaging and heat can both temporarily improve the look of skin by causing a small amount of swelling. Perhaps you’ve noticed this effect when you really rub moisturizer into an area of fine lines on your skin. The effect wears off in hours, and shouldn’t be considered a true improvement.

  • Skin plumpers
  • Skin plumpers are not effective ways to improve the quality of skin of the chest. They cause inflammation and swelling in the area where they are applied and though it may look like the skin is temporarily smoother, it is just due to swelling and not real.

    Why Choose Reflections for Chest Rejuvenation?

    When it comes to rejuvenation for your chest, you want to find the best doctor near you who can help you achieve the results you desire, in a way that suits your lifestyle and needs – maybe that’s something without downtime so you don’t have to take off work, or perhaps it’s the most economical option or the lowest maintenance one.

    Patients considering cosmetic treatments may have a wide range of concerns, from whether the treatment will hurt, to safety, affordability, and effectiveness. That’s where our team of highly experienced cosmetic physicians’ access to over 70 different lasers & technologies comes in handy. Because we have such a wide range of treatments available at both of our New Jersey locations, you’ll never have to settle when it comes to choosing the right treatment for your chest rejuvenation. Our team of physicians paired with our collection of lasers and technologies will provide you with an expert level of care. We encourage you to think about what matters most to you and bring that list with you to your free consultation so that we can work with you to find the perfect treatment-to-patient match.

    Chest Rejuvenation Frequently Asked Questions

    • How do you get rid of deep wrinkles on the décolleté area?

      Deep individual chest wrinkles can often be treated with filler injections. Some will get a satisfactory response with this alone. For those who aren’t candidates, there is generally a lot of sun damage that’s causing various signs of aging on the chest, and that is better treated with lasers or skin tightening treatments, depending upon the individual’s needs. When sun damage is significant, we almost always recommend a biostimulatory filler be used with laser or ultrasound treatment, as this provides the greatest improvement in skin quality.

    • How do you protect your chest skin from damage and keep it young?

      Avoid sun exposure, smoking, side-sleeping, and other environmental damage. Treat your chest and cleavage the way you do your face and neck and use kincare products to help exfoliate, moisturize, treat, and protect that skin.

    • Do you offer payment plans for chest rejuvenation?

      We accept financing from select third party vendors for bills totaling $1000 or more, which allows you to pay for your treatments in small monthly payments. Use the icons at right to apply now!

    • Does insurance cover chest rejuvenation?

      We have not seen where any insurance companies cover these treatments. However, some patients have been able to use their HSA to pay for their treatments at our practice. You’ll want to call your insurance carrier or account administrator to ask them about the specifics of your coverage. Our practice will accept HSA debit cards backed by Visa or Mastercard, but we do not accept or file insurance coverage at our offices.

    • What is the Fastest Way to Remove Chest Wrinkles?

      Filler injected behind the individual wrinkles would be the fastest way to smooth out wrinkles between the breasts.

    • What is the fastest way to remove sun damage on your chest?

      Laser or ultrasound treatment, sometimes with multiple lasers in one day, would be the fastest way to remove sun damage from the chest.

    • Can I have laser chest resurfacing?

      Almost everyone can have laser skin resurfacing and rejuvenation treatments for their chest at our offices because we have so many lasers to choose from. Each of these layers is designed to treat specific skin types and skin conditions.

    • Can I have fillers for my chest wrinkles?

      Almost everyone can have wrinkle filling & smoothing treatments for their chest at our offices because we utilize every FDA-Approved filler available. Reflections is unique in that these fillers are only injected by physicians with an in-depth understanding of how the filler will sit in the skin.

    • Can I have skin tightening and firming for my chest?

      Almost everyone can have non-surgical skin tightening & firming treatments for their chest at our offices because we have a large variety of lasers and other technology available. For more significant skin tightening, we also offer surgical options.

    • How much does chest rejuvenation cost?

      Laser Chest Rejuvenation pricing depends upon 2 factors:

      1. The laser used (as certain lasers are more costly to own, use, and maintain)
      2. The size of the area being treated

      This table should give you an approximate idea of the costs involved, but a free consultation with one of our cosmetic physicians is the only way to get a personalized price quote and ensure you’re choosing the right treatment(s) for you.

      Cost of Chest Treatments Near Me

      Treatment Approximate Costs
      Laser Sun Damage Removal $300 – 1500 per session. The number of sessions depends on the amount of sun damage and the therapies chosen.
      Lasers + Biostimulation $1000 – 2500+ per session, depending on the size of the treatment area
      Wrinkle Filler Smoothing $650 – $750 per syringe (1 syringe usually needed)
      Laser Redness Removal $300-450 per session, 1-3 sessions needed
      Laser Lipo & Skin Tightening for Gynecomastia $4,500 – 6,000+

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    Dr. Mitchell Chasin

    Dr. Mitchell Chasin is a Cosmetic & Laser Physician at Reflections Center. Dr. Chasin believes strongly that the best cosmetic physicians are those who are dedicated to mastering their craft through continuing education and collaboration with the industry’s top doctors.