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RF Microneedling

RF MicroNeedling is the new gold standard for treating most types of acne scars, resurfacing skin of color, and tightening and firming aging skin that’s lost its youthful bounce.

RF MicroNeedling is the new gold standard for treating most types of acne scars, resurfacing skin of color, and tightening and firming aging skin that’s lost its youthful bounce.

Sometimes also called RadioFrequency Microneedling, or Fractional RadioFrequency, RF Microneedling concentrates its energy into the most important part of the skin that is responsible for the textural irregularities and skin’s firmness and elasticity. By protecting the surface layer of the skin from heat energy, the risk of pigment change in skin of color is eliminated, and the downtime is truly minimized1.

RF Microneedling Quick Facts

  • Little to no downtime
  • Stimulates collagen and elastin production in the skin
  • Great for treating signs of aging, stretch marks, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and more

Infini By Lutronic & Endymed 3 Deep Intensif

There are 2 systems of RF Microneedling that we believe are worth discussing – the Infini by Lutronic and Endymed 3 Deep Intensif. We own both because we believe each has its own advantages. Infini’s needles are insulated, providing a gentler treatment for the upper portions of the skin. However, Endymed’s system doesn’t have the presets Infini does, giving the provider more control and the ability to create stronger results in a single treatment. Neither is inherently better than the other. It’s about matching the right one to your goals, skin type, body, and lifestyle needs.

RF Microneedling Treatment For Acne Scars

RF MicroNeedling is usually one step in a multi-therapy acne scar treatment plan. For patients with deeply sunken-in scars (Box car and Ice Pick scar types), elevation of these deep scars usually occurs prior to RF MicroNeedling, which will help to put the finishing touches on skin texture and smoothness. Pigmented scars are also typically treated with laser therapy prior to RF MicroNeedling.

At Reflections, you can be sure your acne scar treatment plan will be hand-selected by the some of the nation’s foremost laser and cosmetic physicians, who will choose the best combination of therapies, based on the very latest science. To support our ability to create the ultimate in acne scar treatment plans, we offer the largest selection of technology-based cosmetic services in the Northeastern United States, including all of the leading Fractional RadioFrequency systems, the Endymed 3Deep Intensif, Lutronic INFINI, and Syneron-Candela eMatrix, as well as over 50 additional cosmetic technology-based treatments.

RF MicroNeedling works to smooth out the acne scars that plague so many people by stimulating new collagen and elastin in the deep layers of the skin, while bypassing the most superficial layer which is most prone to side effects and prolonged downtime. Before RF MicroNeedling, many treatments were provided with aggressive lasers or deep chemical peels that patients found difficult to fit into their busy lifestyle. Furthermore, many of these devices were not safe for patients with darker skin.

  • Recovery & Downtime: Little to none
  • Numbing: Yes
  • Cost: Schedule a consultation
  • Candidates: Healthy patients looking to improve the look and feel of their skin
  • Duration: 1-2 years
  • Why We Love It: Unparalleled non-surgical skin tightening – and the best option for acne scars

RF Microneedling for Body Skin Tightening

Radiofrequency is one of the most-trusted energy types for skin tightening and collagen production. It’s the type of energy behind not only ThermiTight and ThermiSmooth, but also Thermage, VelaShape, and Exilis. All of these products use radiofrequency emitted through different applications, which makes them best suited to certain concerns. What’s important to note is that when it comes to non-invasive and minimally invasive skin tightening for the body, radiofrequency is used in all of the best treatments, and is considered the gold standard of cutting-edge technology in this field.

Skin tightening can be achieved through collagen contraction when the collagen is heated to around 65 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the collagen begins to denature and contract. This is how we are able to achieve significant skin tightening without surgery. Since the collagen layer is the support system in the deepest layers of the skin and is responsible for the elasticity or natural “bounce” and thickness of skin, creating significant change to this layer of the skin spells out great results for thin and crepey skin (as well as skin that’s been damaged by stretch marks).

  • Recovery & Downtime: None or very little (48 hours or less)
  • Numbing: Topical anesthetic
  • Cost: Discuss at your free consultation.
  • Candidacy: Men and women with mild skin laxity
  • Duration: 1-2 years
  • Why We Love It: Non-surgical option for skin tightening with little recovery

Patient Stories About RF Microneedling Treatment

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“After losing a significant amount of weight twice, I lost a lot of volume on my face. On top of that, I had acne scarring. He recommends the RF micro needling along with fillers and my face has regained its volume and the scarring is noticeably better. I am so grateful to him and his team. He really helped me regain confidence and I HIGHLY recommend him.”

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“My melasma started probably 10 years ago..We did try laser, which worked and my face would look great for 2 or 3 weeks. And then the pigment would gradually just start coming back.”

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Why Choose Reflections Center for RF Microneedling?

At Reflections, we’re the leading provider of non-surgical skin rejuvenation in the New Jersey area. Our cosmetic physicians have decades of experience performing cosmetic treatments and will never push treatments or products you don’t need. We’ll be completely honest about what kind of results you can expect from your preferred treatments and whether it’s the best route to a higher degree of confidence in your skin. And if it’s not, we’ll help you explore our wide selection of other options within your comfort zone.

Our cosmetic physicians are trained medical doctors – not nurses, aestheticians, or physician assistants. This allows us to offer the highest possible care with the expertise required to achieve our trademark stunning results.

RF microneedling is a fairly new technology, meaning the providers who have experience with these types of procedures are those who tend to be cutting-edge and were early adopters. You’ll want to look for a provider who has experience with the RF microneedling system they’re using, and in particular, understands how to use the system to achieve the types of skin tightening or remodeling goals on the body that you are concerned with.

At Reflections Center, you will find a team of cosmetic physicians that has this experience and is dedicated to finding the newest and best treatments for our patients. We make sure that each new technology we introduce at Reflections is safe and effective – and we have seen some amazing results with RF microneedling. RF microneedling might not be for everyone but we are always open and honest when it comes to the pros and cons so that you will receive the best treatment plan unique to your needs and goals.

How Fractional Radio Frequency Works

RF Microneedling uses very tiny microneedles (smaller than the diameter of a hair) to deliver safe radio frequency energy into the deeper layer of the skin where collagen and elastin fibers form support structures. The polarity of the energy emitted creates arcs of energy between the microneedles, delivering energy below the skin’s surface to remodel the skin without the visible top-layer downtime of previous technologies. Both the Lutronic INFINI and the Endymed 3Deep Intensif offer several settings for depth, intensity, and number of microneedles, which allows each system to provide a variety of treatments, customized to the individual.

By delivering the majority of the energy to the mid-level dermis, RF MicroNeedling targets the skin’s underlying support system of collagen fibers and restructures any areas that have damage due to acne scarring. Rebuilding the skin’s support system allows the epidermis, the top-most layer of the skin, to be smooth and strong. This is this as similar to rebuilding a cracked foundation in a house, allowing all of the layers above that foundation to be stronger, stabilized, and in their proper place. In the skin, this often means replacing the support “holes” in the dermis, which cause sunken-in scars, like ice pick and box car scars to form.

Frequently Asked Questions About RF Microneedling

  • What downtime or recovery should I expect with RF Microneedling?

    Fractional RadioFrequency works to minimize your downtime and maximize the speed at which you achieve results in two ways: Fractionated Energy: fractional energy treatments deliver energy to a portion of the skin. The percentage of skin treated during Fractional Radio Frequency Microneedling can be adjusted during each treatment. Treating the entire skin at once would lead to a very long recovery with high risk for infection and complication (think intense chemical peels and fully ablative laser therapy). Treating a portion of the skin means the skin is able to recover quicker and keep risks and complications at a minimum. Using a series of treatments, Fractional RadioFrequency treats each cell at least once during the series. This way you can achieve the same effectiveness as an invasive treatment, with fewer risks and a shorter downtime. Minimized Damage to the skin surface: Unlike laser skin resurfacing, Fractional Radio Frequency is able to deliver the energy where its needed most, in the lower dermis, while minimizing the damage to the skin’s surface. This means you will experience the absolute minimum in visible downtime, without sacrificing results. Fractional RadioFrequency does have the potential to create bleeding, due to the microneedles. We have seen this vary from patient-to-patient. Typically bleeding is minimal and resolves immediately without any additional side effects or required action. Most patients elect to take the evening off from social activities. You should feel comfortable to return to normal social activities no later than 48 hours post-treatment, without the risk of anyone knowing you’ve had a procedure.

  • Is RF Microneedling painful?

    Treatments with Infini and Intensif are tolerated quite well. To ensure your treatment is comfortable, we utilize a topical numbing cream (lidocaine), and can offer additional numbing with injection, if desired.

  • When will I start to see results from a RF Microneedling treatment?

    Fractional RadioFrequency works by causing your skin to rebuild old and damaged cells, thus the results are not immediate and depend upon the speed at which your body responds. Typically, improvements are noticed 6-8 weeks after a session. Each patient typically wants to have 3 or more sessions to see significant results. However, the number of sessions recommended for your acne scars will be included in your customized treatment plan, provided during your consultation.

  • Is RF Microneedling safe? Can radiofrequency microneedling be dangerous?

    RF MicroNeedling is very safe. Because the energy spares the most superficial layer of the skin, most of the risks of side effects seen with aggressive lasers or deep chemical peels can be minimized or completely avoided. The two devices we use most often are the Intensif made by Endymed 3Deep and the INFINI made by Lutronic. Both have been FDA cleared for their safety and effectiveness. Infini is unique in that it insulates the tiny microneedles. This is an added safety measure to protect the very top layer of the skin, which is the area most prone to damage with laser treatments, especially in patients with darker skin. (epidemis not treated)

  • Is RF Microneedling safe for my skin tone or type?

    The range of treatment settings in these two devices allow our physicians to create treatments which are safe for all skin types, including darker skin tones and skin which is prone to hyperpigmentation. This makes RF MicroNeedling a better alternative than laser skin resurfacing for the majority of patients with dark skin or skin which is prone to scarring or pigmentation. This also means those with lighter skin tones no longer have to post-pone laser therapies during the summer – Fractional RadioFrequency doesn’t have to wait for your tan to fade.

  • How many treatments will I need? How far apart are treatments spaced?

    Generally, patients require 3-4 treatment sessions that are spaced one month apart in order to give the skin time to fully rejuvenate and rebuild its foundational matrix, restoring the skin’s texture and strength. Your initial recovery period should last no longer than 48 hours, but it’s important to allow your skin to naturally and sufficiently rebuild itself before your next treatment session. This treatment plan allows us time to measure your skin’s progress and determine whether further treatments are needed (or whether you might benefit from other treatment options in the meantime). We recommend you undergo at least 3 treatment sessions in order to see significant changes and improvements in the skin’s smoothness and texture, but this can vary based on your aesthetic goals and prior treatments. RF MicroNeedling can be a final step in an acne scar treatment process, however, which might also require other treatments prior to this procedure in order to elevate deep scars and achieve the best results for your skin. We offer a wide array of laser- and technology-based treatments for your unique skin concerns, so our experts can help you create the best treatment plan for you and your schedule during your skincare consultation.

  • How is Microneedling different from RF Microneedling?

    RF Microneedling (Radiofrequency Microneedling) is not the same as the dermapen or dermaroller Microneedling that you’re seeing offered at spas across the country. Instead, tiny needles are set to various depths (usually several depths within the same treatment, performed as several passes over the treatment area), with various energy settings for the radiofrequency. Here’s how that is different from regular Microneedling:
    1. Needles stay perpendicular (unlike rollers). This is key as rollers insert and drag needles across the skin, creating trauma and the propensity for additional scarring and infection. We do not use or recommend derma rollers for this reason.
    2. Needles can be set to various depths and energy strengths – allowing us to tailor the treatment to the individual, as well as reach deeper depths and create really big changes for collagen, which is located in the deepest layers of the skin.
    3. Combining Microneedling with heat creates the same fractional type of treatment as a laser does, but unlike lasers, RF Microneedling is “color blind” – meaning it does not target the melanin or pigment in the skin. This makes it safe to be very aggressive on all skin types with this treatment, even those who would normally not be good candidates for aggressive laser treatments.
    With RF Microneedling, because the heat is delivered below the top layers of the skin, the downtime is significantly less than with an aggressive laser, but can generate the same results. For example, an aggressive CO2 laser can have up to 4 weeks of downtime where the skin is very red and visibly healing itself (swollen with scabs at first, then peeling and flaking off). RF Microneedling tends to have a week or possibly up to 2 weeks of downtime when treating as aggressively. When we add PRP to this procedure, not only do we see bigger results from that single treatment, we also see the downtime drop to just a few days, and it’s something much more manageable during those days, so that most patients take a day at most off from work.

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  1. Omar A. Ibrahimi MD PhD,a Robert A. Weiss MD,b Margaret A. Weiss MD,b Christian R. Halvorson MD,b Flor Mayoral MD,c E. Victor Ross MD,d and Joel L. Cohen MDe; Treatment of Acne Scars With High Intensity Focused Radio Frequency; Journal of Drugs in Dermatology; September 2015 – Volume 14 – Issue 9 -Case Report 1065
Dr. Mitchell Chasin

Dr. Mitchell Chasin is a Cosmetic & Laser Physician at Reflections Center. Dr. Chasin believes strongly that the best cosmetic physicians are those who are dedicated to mastering their craft through continuing education and collaboration with the industry’s top doctors.