I Would Never Be Able To Have This Opportunity If It Weren’t For Dr. Chasin
Home - Patient Stories - I Would Never Be Able To Have This Opportunity If It Weren’t For Dr. Chasin
Dr. Chasin has done so much to help me and I will always be grateful to him for the opportunity to improve myself and my self-esteem...”
Dr. Chasin has done so much to help me and I will always be grateful to him for the opportunity to improve myself and my self-esteem, which in turn will give me a new outlook in life and myself. He is wonderful, and it is nice to meet a physician that has not lost his sense of understanding or humanity in the process.
It is very rare to find a physician that truly understands that many people are not lucky enough or have the means in their life to be given the same opportunities as some people more fortunate than others. For this I am grateful because I would never be able to have this opportunity if it weren’t for him.
by E.N.